William Lily Horary astrologer

For centuries, horary astrology has been a fascinating branch of astrological practice, offering precise answers to specific questions. Among the pioneers of this ancient art is William Lilly, whose contributions have immortalised his name in astrological history. We, at Wilfred Hazelwood Astrology, are thrilled to guide you through the captivating world of this eminent horary astrologer.

The Life and Legacy of William Lilly

Born in 1602, William Lilly became one of the most influential astrologers of the 17th century. His meticulous approach to horary astrology allowed him to make accurate predictions that were sought by many, from nobles to common folks. His renowned work, Christian Astrology, remains a cornerstone in the field.

Understanding Horary Astrology

Horary astrology is a method that involves creating a horoscope for the exact time a question is posed. Unlike natal astrology, which is based on the birth chart, horary astrology answers specific queries about various aspects of life including love, career, and health.

  • Precision: Horary astrology provides precise answers by interpreting the planetary positions at the question's time.
  • Historical Perspective: Pioneers like William Lilly have set methods and rules followed to this day.
  • Expert Guidance: At Wilfred Hazelwood Astrology, our expertise in psychological astrology and horary methods ensure you gain profound insights.

Why Choose Wilfred Hazelwood Astrology?

Based in the heart of Wales, Wilfred Hazelwood Astrology combines psychological astrology with the traditional principles established by William Lilly. Our seasoned astrologers are dedicated to providing personalised readings that resonate deeply with your life's queries and concerns. Trust us to bring clarity and direction with the wisdom of the stars.

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